செவ்வாய், 5 ஜனவரி, 2010

yennai kathirikai kuzhambhu

Ingredients :

Tamarind paste -- 1/2 cup
sambhar onions - 1 cup (finely chopped)
garlic -- 1 cup
tomatoes -- 2 (finely chopped)
kathirikai - 5 or 6 ( cut only in the centre)
grated coconut -- 1/4 cup
chilly powder -- 4 tsp
coriander powder -- 4 tsp
turmeric powder -- 1 tsp
curry leaves -- a few
salt -- to taste
oil -- 1 cup
water -- 2 cups

kurry vadagam -- 1 tsp


mustard seeds - 1 tsp
cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
asafoetida - a little
fenugreek seeds - 1/4 tsp

Method :

Heat oil in a thick-bottomed vessel , add kurry vadagam .
Instead of that use mustard seeds, cumin seeds, fenugreek seeds, asafoetida.
When the seeds splutter , reduce the heat and add onions , garlics , tomatoes and kathirikai one by one and stir-fry for 5 minutes .
Add water, tamarind paste , chilly powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder and salt and cover and simmer for 10 minutes.
In the mean time grind the coconut into a fine paste.
After 10 minutes add the coconut paste and curry leaves and simmer for
another 10 minutes. The excess oil released from the kuzhambhu , stop the
flame and transfer the kuzhambhu into a bowl.

Serve hot with rice .

10 கருத்துகள்:

  1. This Katharikkai kuzhambu with rice, so delicious and apt for for lunch!

  2. Looks delicious and mouth watering.

    I would like to share an award with you. Kindly collect it dear.
